When choosing what social media platform is the most effective to share and promote one’s artwork, Instagram is usually the first one that comes to mind. This is obviously due to the highly visual nature of this platform in comparison to other social media channels...
The internet is a marvel! Thanks to online classes, I’ve been exposed to many wonderful creative teachers from around the world. One such teacher is Ivy Newport. Ivy’s not only a highly skilled portrait artist, but a genuinely kind and caring human being too. When she...
Inspiration is the air and water of every artist. It’s the essential ingredient that painters, writers,and musicians need to give life, shape, and uniqueness to their work. Artists usually go through cycles of high and low inspiration. These cycles may not always...
How To Finish A Painting Even When You Feel Hopeless Updated in January 2024 Builders know when a building is finished, carpenters know when a table is finished but for some reason, painters seem to struggle to know when their canvas is complete! Don’t feel alone....
Western cultures see it as almost a crime. Most of us get this sharp pang of ‘guilt’ when we feel as though we’re doing nothing or we’ve achieved nothing in a day. It’s not like this all over the world… Cultures have been using this technique for centuries to improve...
French wine is arguably some of the best wine in the world. It’s rooted in the French tradition, entwined with its history and a staple part of the French diet (haha)! What’s more, the wine in the region we live in is EXCELLENT! I think of wine in the same way I...
When you go on a residential art retreat in Europe, it can be a bit of a daunting prospect… It’s such a big commitment in terms of the travel time required, jet lag and even financially… So it’s entirely an entirely normal feeling! Which country do you choose? How...
Social Media For Artists I know that some of you are already thinking you don’t need to read about social media for artists… You might be thinking – “I don’t have a massive following on social media but my business is doing fine!” If this is the...
This blog post was last updated in June 2021. Thinking about going to an art retreat in Europe or another part of the world? Maybe you’re just thinking about painting whilst on a family holiday? It doesn’t matter if you paint with acrylics, oils or watercolours. This...
Non-painters joining an art retreat I’ve had this question a thousand times – “can my non-painting partner join us on an art retreat? Is he going to get bored?” Yes, he’s welcome… No, he won’t get bored. End of blog. Haha, I’m kidding. But the answer really is...