Beynac Castle

Perigord Noir

Cazenac - the village above Beynac Castle

History: Beynac Castle

Beynac Castle has 9 centuries of history… 9 Centuries… Thats 900 Years… What a phenomenal length of time!

It’s been guarded by some globally important historical figures such as King Richard the Lion-heart, Simon de Montfort, the 4 Baronneries of the Perigord & multiple Lords of Beynac. 

Historically, the Dordogne River was the border between England and France. With Castelnaud-la-Chapelle just a mile upstream, this place has seen A LOT of action… 

The Castle

During the 12th and 13th Century, the Lords of Beynac were some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in France. The reason was simple… The river Dordogne provided the easiest and safest travel of good (chestnuts, walnuts, wood and wine) from the Dordogne to Bordeaux. Everything had to pass through Beynac. Of course, in exchange for protection and speed of travel, The Lord of Beynac took his share of the profits!

There are multiple rooms of historical significance, perfectly preserved within the castle. It’s well worth visiting and the views from the top are breathtaking! You can easily see why so Beynac Castle had such control over the Dordogne! 

Visiting & Painting Beynac

When we visit Beynac Castle, we drop you off at the top of the village. This gives you an opportunity to see some panoramic views of the Dordogne Valley. Equally, you can visit the castle and the small village of Cazenac.

Then, we take a gentle stroll down through the village of Beynac and along the shaded banks of the Dordogne, where we will meet for a lovely picnic in the shade of the bridge you can see in the video above. 

Your trip to Beynac will be a memorable one! Lot of photos, beautiful cobbled streets and a unique history! the village is so well preserved that it’ll feel as though you’re travelling through time!

Cahors wine