Kim Smith Workshop 20 – 29 June 2023


A bit about me

I was born with the love of art in my soul. A native of Lancaster County, Pa, I earned my BFA in Communication Design from Kutztown University and have owned TCG Design in East Petersburg for more than 27 years. Even though I am in a creative business, something was always missing. After the last of my three children became more independent, I was drawn to pursue my love of painting. Now I paint every day, rising before the sun. Committing to this daily practice fits perfectly into my busy life. And now I can’t imagine life without it. Painting with the buttery richness of oil paint is fluid and magical. I favor clean colors and intentional brushstrokes to keep my paintings bright and inviting. I want my paintings to inspire your eyes to dance across the canvas and leave you feeling calm and happy. Quite simply, I strive to delight and make the world more beautiful, one painting at a time.
If you’d like some more information as to where we’ll be going during our trip, look at our excursions pages.
For more information me:

Kim Smith Workshop – what you’ll experience and achieve


Please join me for a magical retreat in France!
If painting in a most gorgeous setting in southern France is a long-time dream of yours, then this is the retreat for you!
Beautiful landscapes, comfortable, cozy accommodations, a fully-equipped indoor studio, lovingly crafted food of local origin, an indoor swimming pool, and excursions into the stunning landscapes and medieval towns of the Dordogne and Lot regions are a few of the things that await you.
Your ten days will be a beautiful blend of studio time, delightful excursions, cultural experiences and of course, plenty of free time to rest and explore! You will travel into the lovely countryside to paint and visit some of the most scenic towns in Southern France. You will spend time painting and picnicking along the Dordogne River and throughout the valley.
This workshop is perfect for everyone from beginners to advanced artists. Group sizes are small, a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 12, allowing me to have ample time to help each student every day.
Our time together will be a nurturing blend of being out in our environment, sketching and gathering inspiration, and devoted studio time and one-on-one instruction to allow you to grow your skills, explore new techniques, and relish in your creativity. We will paint with both oils and watercolor, as well as draw and sketch. We will explore and find painting inspiration to use as reference for years to come. 
During the workshop, you will:
* Learn how to become more confident when painting
* Learn how to create fabulous sketches with minimal materials
* Learn to be more expressive with your brush strokes and colours
* Learn to work with a limited palette of colours to ensure harmony and cohesiveness in your work
* Learn to mix colours cleanly
* Practice your drawing skills!
* Experience the hospitality and great food prepared by Perigord Retreats
* Experience the treasures of the French countryside: organic food, wine and other local specialties at the markets
* Connect with other artists who share your passion for creativity!
Partners are welcome and are free to explore the various painting locations at their leisure. Local tips can be provided.  Note that whilst at our accommodation property, activities include walks, communing with nature or the garden.
It’s sure to be an experience of a lifetime!